Welcome to your user profile!
This platform gives you the opportunity to create a personal user profile. You can view your user profile at any time by entering your user name and your password and making bookings.
The user profile offers you the following options:
- Registration for the congress
- Registration for workshops
- Registration for social event
- Access the abstract submission platform for session proposals, mini-talk presentations and poster presentations
Reviewing will be done after abstract submission (2500 characters structured abstract: background, method, results, conclusion). All authors will be informed about the review results afterwards. If you have any questions, please contact us at registrierung@psychosomatik-kongress.de.
If you are visiting this page for the first time?
Please first create a user account via the "SIGN UP" field. Enter your e-mail address and click on "CREATE ACCOUNT". You will receive an e-mail with a code for verification. Once you have created the account, you can make bookings and view your current registration status at any time by entering your user name and password.
If you have already registered online for the Congress in previous years, you can use the same login used at that time.
Browser and Setting Requirements: Chrome 35+, Mozilla Firefox 31+, Safari 9+, Opera, Edge or IE 11+ are required. Java script and cookies must be active.